€ 7.00
Publisher's description (show translation):
ماذا يفعل الإنسان إذا عانى من ظلم في حياته؟ كيف يتصرف إزاء الجبروت وهو إنسان ضعيف لا حول له ولا قوة ؟ هل يواجه الشر ويتصدى له رغم ضعفه؟ أم يستسلم لقدره ويقول لنفسه: هذه قسمتي ونصيبي؟ وجد جحا نفسه فى هذا الموقف الصعب .. فماذا فعل؟ استطاع بطلنا البسيط الأعزل آن يقول كلمة الحق في وجه الظلم وفي نفس الوقت تمكن من الخروج من مآزق كثيرة واجهته بفضل ذكائه وحسه الفكاهي وقدرته على الإضحاك وبعث البهجة في كل مكان.. ليلى الراعي
What does a person do if he suffers injustice in his life? How does he behave in the face of might and powerlessness? Does he confront evil and stand up to it despite his weakness, or does he resign himself to his fate and say to himself, "This is my fate: This is my fate and my lot? Juha found himself in this difficult situation. What did he do? Our simple, unarmed hero was able to speak the word of truth in the face of injustice and at the same time he was able to get out of many dilemmas he faced thanks to his intelligence, sense of humour and his ability to make people laugh and spread joy everywhere. Laila Al-Rai
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